If you are seriously considering Invisalign, hear a first hand account about the experience as told by Rich from Albany, NY. He recently finished up his active treatment at our Troy office where he saw both Dr. Tyner & Dr. Cooney.

Why is a smile important to you?
I was fortunate to have a really nice natural smile without braces growing up, but I let it deteriorate over time. Now with social media and zoom meetings your smile is on display more than ever. This is especially true as “masks optional” starts to become increasingly a healthy norm again in our area (Albany, NY).
At all times of day your smile and overall oral health is going to be on your mind. It plays a major role in your health and happiness, so it was the right time to make the investment in myself with the right Invisalign provider!
Why did you choose Invisalign?
If only presented with the option of traditional braces I don’t believe I ever would have had orthodontic treatment done. The ease of treatment, and knowing Cooney Orthodontics was the most experienced provider in the area, made it a really easy choice.
My bite wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t something that bothered me and I didn’t think it was too bad. Upon completing active treatment I finally could appreciate how far it was off previously and how now I could more effortlessly smile in a way I loved each time.
How long did you have Invisalign?
I was in active treatment for about 14 months, and my treatment was accelerated using AcceleDent. I didn’t have all that many appointments, and the ones I did were always enjoyable. To make sure I could complete treatment on time I had to make sure I wore my clear aligners for as close to 22 hours per day as I could. The treatment time really flew by and I consistently saw improvement and knew I was on the right path with each aligner swap.

Did you have any fears or concerns prior to your appointment?
Prior to getting my smile back in order with the help of my amazing general dentist (shoutout Dr. Maestro & his team at Maestro Dental Wellness), I really hated the thought of sitting in any dental chair ever again. When I was ready to start Invisalign I tried to get over any fears by imagining the first day that someone would tell me I had a great smile. With my smile needing some fixing I knew I had a pretty complex road ahead to help fix my bite, but my dentist & Cooney Orthodontics worked hand-in-hand to ensure any fears were mitigated and questions were answered. Most importantly that the process was simple because I had a real guide in the process.
Describe your experience at your first appointment.
My appointment was interesting because it was Halloween. So, I showed up with a bit of a funky smile that threw off the docs a bit. It’s wonderful that there are two Board Certified Orthodontic Specialists with Dr. Cooney & Dr. Tyner. The appointment was great though, and after getting my attachments put on, I was on my way to a healthier smile.

What was the hardest part of having Invisalign?
I have a pretty bad gag reflex and was never able to wear sports mouthguards growing up. I was quite worried that I wouldn’t be able to wear my Invisalign retainers for the appropriate amount of time and after awhile I really started to forget they were there.
The rubber-bands were hard to get on at first, but you really become a pro once you practice a few times.
Is Invisalign painful?
It’s only painful if you let it be. In the beginning I’d forget to take the steps like slightly wearing down any edges with an emery board or using orthodontic wax. I talk a whole lot, so after a day of this I’d have a cut up mouth. I soon learned my lessons and the pain went away.
What is your advice to those thinking about choosing Invisalign?
Find an orthodontist that feels like a true partner on your smile journey. They should also be someone who will work well with your general dentist. It’s so important that they are collaborating because there are decisions that need to be made together. Look for someone with iTero Scanning machines – they’re great for your consultation as you don’t have to take messy impressions.
Would you recommend Invisalign to someone?
I recommend it to anyone who can make that commitment to themselves or their family member. Your smile is an investment you get to use only while you’re living so the sooner the better. It didn’t take long to hear that first, “You have a great smile”, and it felt as great as expected.
Interested in a complimentary consultation? Book yours online today for either of our locations in Troy or Ballston Lake, NY.